Behemoth´s sångare sjuk..
I helgen blev Adam "Nergal" Darski gitarrist/sångare i Behemoth
inlagd på sjukhus, han har nu gått ut med följande:
"I'd like to announce that BEHEMOTH won't be able to tour for the forseeable future.
"I don't wanna bore you with details here, but I'm sick and am receiving some serious medical treatment. It's gonna take another few weeks or more for full recovery, and so we have been forced to cancel all the BEHEMOTH shows in August, planned dates in Russia and Baltic States for September and October and our American tour in November.
"I know how much it sucks, but health comes first.
"I can assure all of you that when we return, I'll be stronger than death, and we'll reschedule every tour as soon as logistics allow.
"I feel good and strong, my mind is focused, I've got my loving woman by my side, my band mates, friends (never thought there are so many, haha), management, agents and label people are giving me massive support. I can't ask for more but a little patience now.
"The fact that we won't be touring for the next few months doesn't mean we'll hibernate. BEHEMOTH will be active on several other levels.
"In upcoming days you can expect the premiere of our newest video, 'Alas, Lord Is Upon Me', which is by far the sickest fuckin' thing we've ever done! 'Evangelia Heretika' DVD is coming out as scheduled in November this year. Also, check out our webstore that opens for international markets in upcoming weeks.
"This is it for now. Stay tuned!"

Hoppas på ett riktigt snabbt tillfrisknande för Nergal!!!
Behemoth skulle ut på USA turné med Svenska Watain, den är alltså
med detta inställt. Jag hoppas att det löser sig på bästa sätt för alla!
GRYMT snygg turné poster var det i alla fall!
Uppdatering från WATAIN:
As some of you might have heard, Behemoth have been forced to cancel their USA tour.
To put an end to rumors and speculations regarding how this affects Watains touring plans, know this;
Exact dates and further information will be posted here soon.
NP: Behemoth - Zos Kia Cultus (Here and Beyond)

inlagd på sjukhus, han har nu gått ut med följande:
"I'd like to announce that BEHEMOTH won't be able to tour for the forseeable future.
"I don't wanna bore you with details here, but I'm sick and am receiving some serious medical treatment. It's gonna take another few weeks or more for full recovery, and so we have been forced to cancel all the BEHEMOTH shows in August, planned dates in Russia and Baltic States for September and October and our American tour in November.
"I know how much it sucks, but health comes first.
"I can assure all of you that when we return, I'll be stronger than death, and we'll reschedule every tour as soon as logistics allow.
"I feel good and strong, my mind is focused, I've got my loving woman by my side, my band mates, friends (never thought there are so many, haha), management, agents and label people are giving me massive support. I can't ask for more but a little patience now.
"The fact that we won't be touring for the next few months doesn't mean we'll hibernate. BEHEMOTH will be active on several other levels.
"In upcoming days you can expect the premiere of our newest video, 'Alas, Lord Is Upon Me', which is by far the sickest fuckin' thing we've ever done! 'Evangelia Heretika' DVD is coming out as scheduled in November this year. Also, check out our webstore that opens for international markets in upcoming weeks.
"This is it for now. Stay tuned!"

Hoppas på ett riktigt snabbt tillfrisknande för Nergal!!!
Behemoth skulle ut på USA turné med Svenska Watain, den är alltså
med detta inställt. Jag hoppas att det löser sig på bästa sätt för alla!

Uppdatering från WATAIN:
As some of you might have heard, Behemoth have been forced to cancel their USA tour.
To put an end to rumors and speculations regarding how this affects Watains touring plans, know this;
Exact dates and further information will be posted here soon.
NP: Behemoth - Zos Kia Cultus (Here and Beyond)
