Behemoth's Nergal har leukemi...
Det är tragiskt men tydligen sant, Behemot´s sångare Nergal har
långt gånget Leukemi, en otroligt tråkig nyhet!

Over two weeks ago, Behemoth frontman Nergal (Adam Darski) issued
a statement stating that all further live shows would be canceled.
He stated the seriousness of his condition, but failed to note what disease
långt gånget Leukemi, en otroligt tråkig nyhet!

Over two weeks ago, Behemoth frontman Nergal (Adam Darski) issued
a statement stating that all further live shows would be canceled.
He stated the seriousness of his condition, but failed to note what disease
ailed him. It was rumored at the time that he might have leukemia, a cancer
of the blood cells. This has now been confirmed and Nergal's condition is far
worse than previously thought and chemotherapy is no longer an option.
Nergal's fiancee Doda has reportedly donated bone marrow, although it is
still unclear whether it is a match and will be transferred into him.

Önskar såklart att den otroligt trevlige Nergal ett otroligt snabbt
tillfrisknande och att håller sig frisk jävligt länge!
NP: Behemoth - Evangelion
